Donate to Code for Albania!
June 20, 2023
Amount Raised
Kemi nevoje per ndihmen tuaj qe ta cojme Code for Albania ne nje nivel tjeter, qe te bejme cdo shqiptar krenar per ate qe po ndodh ne Shqiperi. Bejme teknologji, inovacion, mendim kritik, sipermarrje, krijojme shoqeri qe zgjasin dhe besim.
Code for Albania cel kampin e peste veror. Kete vit jemi ne Korce, ku do mblidhen 150 te rinj nga gjithe Shqiperia, se bashku me 10 instruktore nga ShBA.
Si gjithmone, do te jete nje eksperience unike qe vit pas viti dhuron histori suksesi, e qe po ndryshon jeten e shume te rinjve shqiptare. Programi ka impaktuar mbi 1000 te rinj deri tani permes programeve afatgjata dhe afatmesme ne programim dhe dizenjim produkti me ne qender njeriun – FALAS per pjesemarresit.
Ne presim nga viti ne vit qe ky program te nxjerre gjithnje e me shume grupe te rinjsh qe krijojne start-upe, shkelqejne ne universitete, respektojne punen, e bejne diferencen per Shqiperine 2030.
Na ndihmo dhe zgjidh nje nga nivelet e sponsorizimit ne infografik.
We need your help to take Code for Albania to the next level and make every Albanian proud of the incredible things happening in their country. We cater to education needs in technology, innovation, critical thinking, entrepreneurship, while also creating communities that thrive and believe in themselves.
Code for Albania is organizing its fifth summer camp, and this year we’re heading to Korça. We’ll be bringing together 150 talented young adults from all over Albania, along with 10 instructors from the United States.
It’s going to be a unique and amazing experience that as always produces success stories and positively changes the lives of many young Albanians. So far, our program has impacted over 1000 young individuals through long-term and medium-term programs focused on programming and human-centered product design – FREE for all participants.
We’re excited to see this program continue to grow and empower even more groups of young people who go on to create startups, succeed in universities, and make a real difference for Albania by 2030.
We would greatly appreciate your support. Take a look at the infographic to explore the different sponsorship levels available. Together, we can make a lasting impact on Albania’s future!
Donations closed!