We are happy to announce the first grants for Earthquake Relief from the Global Albanians Foundation for a total of $61,541. Implementation will begin in May for most of the 7 projects approved to help for shelter, food, children, health, and education. Additional grants totalling $150,000 will be awarded later in 2020.
The projects and organizations are:
- World Vision Albania will repair damaged houses in Kurbin
- Vizion OJF will open a Childrens’ Center in Vore
- Fondacioni Fundjavë Ndryshe will provide furniture to families in need
- Caritas Shqiptar will provide supplies to families in Lezhe, Belsh, Tirana
- Vizion i Ri 2016 will provide youth counseling in Durres
- Multicultural and Integrated Religious Albania will work to improve shelter and health care for children in Sukth, Rrushkull and Jube
- Finally, the Global Albanians Foundation is establishing a $10,000 fund for Emergency Assistance in April for families affected by the earthquake and COVID-19
We are looking forward to working with all of these wonderful organizations and many others in the future, and to improving the lives of Albanian earthquake victims. During the month of April we will sign contract and project implementation and monitoring agreements with all grant recipients.