Support the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims
February 12, 2025
Amount Raised
Please join the Global Albanians Foundation (GAF) and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Feride Rushiti in our fundraiser for the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (KRCT).
Our joint effort intends to be a collaboration for several years to raise money for various activities to help victims of sexual violence in Kosova beginning with Beyond the Shadows: Unveiling the Stories of Kosova’s Sexual Violence Survivors.
Your donation will:
- Amplify the voices of sexual violence and torture survivors to tell their stories to the world;
- Support treatment and rehabilitation programs that help victims of sexual violence and torture to cope and heal; and
- Help all victims to stand together in strength so that none stand alone in shame.
We ask that you not only consider Donating to Beyond the Shadows, but also joining our “peer-to-peer” fundraising team which we hope will serve as a model for future fundraising jointly organized by two Albanian organizations.
Thank you very much for your support and all the best.
Faleminderit shumë për mbështetjen tuaj dhe gjithë të mirat.
Feride Rushiti, Executive Director of KRCT
Mark Kosmo, Chair of GAF