Supporting Education for Roma Children in Durres
May 31, 2021
Amount Raised
– NGO Partner: Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA)
– Theme: Health/Youth.
– Location: Durres, Albania.
– Date: June 2021
– Amount Raised: $2,961
– Additional Donations: $1,000 from the Abraham Lincoln Foundation
– Partners: The Multifunctional Community Center of Nishtulla
– Description: The IRCA has been working in Durres with the Multifunctional Community Center of Nishtulla, to empower and support 100 vulnerable Roma families through education, counseling, and employment. A total of 18 children (1 in every 8) in the daily kindergarten at the public elementary school in Nishtulla are malnourished and do not have basic educational and sanitary materials. This fundraiser helped to ensure that Roma children in Durres who lack food, school materials, and sanitary materials were provided with them, free of charge.
Donations closed!